2022 is just about over ~ and we have had a GREAT YEAR!
First off, thank you to everyone for your great support. Hope for Hooves (H4H) was a fabulous success. It was fun to see old faces and meet new friends. With your help, AGES raised over $20,000. THANK YOU!! Save the date for August 19, 2023.
Kid’s Camp in July was a 3-day fun-filled event.
And, our monthly Volunteer Orientation (2nd Sat of each month) and Visitor’s Day (1st Sun of each month) bring new faces and friends each month.
Our 2023 Calendar is ready for pre-order sales.
And, HOLIDAY on MANE is December 4th - which is our Winter Fundraiser. We hope you can stop by and get some baked goods, drink some hot chocolate, and have pictures taken with Santa.
This is a family event.